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 | Professor Maria Bannert holds the chair for Teaching and Learning with Digital Media, TUM School of Education. Her research focus lies on the educational and psychological aspects of teaching and learning with digital media. She conducts experimental research in the laboratory focusing on the online-analysis of learning processes. She also performs exploratory and quasi-experimental research in the field. The general goal is to support and advance teaching and learning with digital media in different learning contexts. ⇗ |
 | PhD Inge Molenaar is currently an assistant professor at the Learning & Plasticity group of the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University Nijmegen. Her main interests are technology empowered innovation in education that facilitate students’ talent development. Her research focuses on the application of data from online learning environments, apps and games (learning analytics) in understanding how regulation of learning unfolds over time. ⇗ |
 | Dragan Gasevic is Professor of Learning Analytics in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. A computer scientist by training and skills, Dragan considers himself a learning analyst developing computational methods that can shape next-generation learning and software technologies and advance our understanding of information seeking, sense-making, and self-regulated and social learning. ⇗ |
 | Prof. Johanna D. Moore is Chair of Artificial Intelligence at the Univ of Edinburgh, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and the British Computing Society. She has over 25 years experience in the areas of dialogue systems, natural language generation, and multimodal interaction. She is past Pres. of the Assoc for Computational Linguistics and past Chair of the Cognitive Science Society. She is currently Assoc Editor for the journals: Cognitive Science and Speech Communication. ⇗ |
 | Lyn Lim is a Research Fellow in School of Education at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). Her research lies in the area of scaffolding in facilitating self-regulated learning and online measures of learning processes. ⇗ |
 | Joep van der Graaf is an Assistant Professor at the Behavioural Science Institute at Radboud University Nijmegen. He is interested in self-directed learning, including self-regulated learning and inquiry-based learning. He aims to understand students’ learning processes and likes to use innovative technologies and analytic approaches. ⇗ |
 | Yizhou Fan is an Assistant Professor in Graduate School of Education, Peking University. Yizhou considers himself a learning analyst using computational methods to advance the understanding of online learning strategies and self-regulated learning. His research interests are MOOC, self-regulated learning, learning design, learning tactics and strategies, and multimodal learning analytics. ⇗ |
 | Shaveen Singh is a Research Fellow in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. His research interests include the design and deployment of technology to increase the understanding and improve digital learning experiences. More specifically, his work examines the areas of learning analytics, personalised active learning, and building tools for teacher support. He also explores the co-design of systems that draw upon complementary strengths of human and AI decision-makers in educational settings. ⇗ |
 | Jonathan Kilgour is a Research Fellow at the School of Informatics at The University of Edinburgh. His interests are around data management, software systems design and programming. He has contributed work to projects on online learning, energy systems, and linguistic corpora. ⇗ |
 | Mladen Rakovic is a Research Fellow in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. His research interests span the fields of natural language processing, predictive modeling, computational linguistics, and educational psychology. He focuses on the development and evaluation of computer-based writing systems that monitor undergraduates’ writing activity and generate learning analytics to promote self-regulated learning and deep engagement with disciplinary content. Mladen proposed the methods for automatic identification of knowledge transforming in multi-source writing and fine grained analysis of students’ online discussion posts. ⇗ |
 | Xinyu Li is a Research Fellow in the Faculty of Information Technology at Monash University. He has experience in designing and developing educational software aiming to support self-regulated learning and collaborative learning research.. ⇗ |